Welcome to PlatypusOS Professional!

Let's personalize PlatypusOS Professional to make you more productive, secure, and efficient

Step 1: Create your business profile

You can add multiple business units to PlatypusOS, keeping everything organized

  1. Click the user icon in the upper right corner
  2. Click Business Management
  3. Click Add Business and then input your business information
  4. Now you can select which business you are working in from the dropdown at the top

Step 2: Start adding your favorite apps

PlatypusOS allows you to connect all of your important apps into your Sn[App] bar

  1. Click the + icon in the upper left
  2. Search for apps that you use the most
  3. Click the + icon next to your favorite apps
  4. Click the app from your Sn[App] bar and get to work

Step 3: Connect your email/calendar/storage

Add your communication apps to the top bar for quick access

  1. Click the email icon at the top and sign in
  2. Click the other icons to automatically be signed in
  3. If you don't see the icons as shown in the image, click your silhouette, go to "Profile," and select which email service provider you use and save

Step 4: Check out our markeplace of top-tier tools

  1. Click the storefront icon from the left-hand menu
  2. Discover tools and technologies you can activate directly through PlatypusOS
Tools activated through the marketplace are highly discounted, fully integrated, single sign-on, and easier to use with single support and single monthly billing.
All tools are month-to-month as well!

Step 5: Add team members to your PlatypusOS business profile

ON allows you to add team-members to your business(es) so you can work collaboratively and securely.

  1. Click the Silhouette in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Click "User Management" and "Add User"
  3. Fill out the information to add your team member
Once you invite a user, they will get an email to download ON and log in.

And that's it!

You are now ready to start driving productivity and security for you and your business with PlatypusOS!

If you'd like to get a more in-depth view of using PlatypusOS professional profiles, check out the short video below. And welcome to PlatypusOS!