Welcome to PlatypusOS!

Let's personalize PlatypusOS to how YOU use the internet

Step 1: Add your favorite apps

PlatypusOS allows you to connect all of your favorite apps into your Sn[App] bar

  1. Click the + icon in the upper left
  2. Search for your favorite apps
  3. Click the + icon next to your favorite apps
  4. Click the app from your Sn[App] bar and get to work or play!

Step 2: Connect your email/calendar/storage

Add your communication apps to the top bar for quick access

  1. Click the email icon at the top and sign in
  2. Click the other icons to automatically be signed in
  3. If you don't see the icons as shown in the image, click your silhouette, go to "Profile," and select which email service provider you use and save.

Step 3: Browser Settings

  1. Click the vertical triple dots next to the URL bar
  2. Explore the different settings to customize what search engine you want to use, add bookmarks, set privacy settings, add extensions, and more

Step 4: Add additional profiles

With PlatypusOS you can create separate profiles for home, work, family members, etc., to keep your browsing, apps, and history focused.

  1. Click the Silhouette in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Click "Profile Switcher"
  3. Create your new profiles
Once you've created or connected multiple profiles, you can switch back and forth by opening profile switcher and selecting which profile you want to open.

And that's it!

You are now ready to start using the internet in a whole new way!

If you'd like to get a more in-depth view of using PlatypusOS personal profiles, check out the short video below. And welcome to PlatypusOS!